
Showing posts from November, 2019

Emergent Architecture is not a thing

Emergent architecture is a term I heard for the first time from a coworker a while ago. It was touted as a combination of agile and architecture, or perhaps as the way the shiny term "architecture" was inserted into something as face paced as Scrum, or as a way for the company justify not having architects, but to put it plainly, it's not a thing. There are a few things wrong with it... conceptually.  I have read a lot about it, looking for any source of information I could, presentations, blogs, some links here and there, and I could not find a solid base for what they claimed it was, or any reason for it to be claimed as a thing, except for the need to name something with "architecture" on it. Agile is a methodology, Scrum is a method, if you want to know a bit more about the difference just hit Wikipedia . They are related to  how to build software.  Now, architecture, is about structure, is about what you build. You can reach that structure with any me...